Partner fed to Target


Tactical Problem:

Skill development: Partners work together to develop the overhead clear and their peer teaching 




Overhead drop shot to target



  • students are in partners
  • one partner feeds the shuttle into play so that an overhead drop shot is playable
  • the other student must play an overhead drop shot
  • let the shuttle land to judge the accuracy of the shot


“orange” feeds the shuttle             (b) “yellow” plays an overhead

                 in to yellow                                     drop shot to the target area                      

Organizational Points: 

  • students are in groups of 2
  • after instructions are given and the movement guidelines are clear students return to their courts and begin play
  • students are to only use the half-court

Teaching Points: 

Ø      get both arms up into a throwing position, using your non racquet hand and arm for balance

Ø      nonracquet shoulder points toward the intended target

Ø      racquet head drops behind the shoulder, elbow bent, racquet hand near your ear (scratch the back)

Ø      hitting arm extension

Ø      turn hips and shoulders simultaneously

Ø      contact the shuttle in front of the racquet shoulder; follow through toward the target

Ø      disguise the shot to look like the overhead clear

Modifications / Refinements / Progressions: